My Photos

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Whew! We Are Back!

Wow, what a month! I had one sewing fiasco after another in trying to get a couple of competition skate dresses done for my daughter. I had to make her Figures dress THREE times! The first time, the points in the front were too low- scratch! The second time, I spaced the fact that I was sewing with velvet and steam pressed the zipper and it went through to the front and ruined the velvet- scratch! By this time I was out of Royal Blue velvet and had to order more from New York and do 2 day shipping. The fabric arrived on Tuesday so I spent Tuesday cutting and sewing the new dress and then from Tuesday evening to Wednesday gluing the rhinestones on the dress. This takes a while because you have to glue each stone individually and then you have to wait for the area you're working on to dry before moving to the next area. It was cold here so it took the stones a loooooong time to dry. By the end of the day on Wednesday I was done stoning the dresses :-). On Thursday morning I packed and off we went to Chicago for the Meet. After four days, we were ready to get home and we arrived last night at 11:09 p.m.- home sweet home! 

I had three cards that I had made while waiting for either fabric or rhinestones to arrive, but because of all the trouble I had with the sewing, which I've never had trouble with sewing until that Figures dress (!), I didn't have time to get them posted. I did get one posted before the fabric arrived, so will be posting the other two today and tomorrow. I won't get to stamp for a couple of days because I have a lot to catch up on- laundry, house work, grocery shopping, etc. I got sooooo behind working on skate dresses. I am looking forward to going back to my stamping room and just relaxing with some stamps, ink, and paper! In the meantime, here's one of the thank you cards I made.

I'm not going to take time today to post the supplies because I have so much to do today, but the embossing folder I used is in the new Summer Mini. If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll post the answer sometime this week :-). Have a great day!!!



  1. So pretty! I love how you just left the embossed panel plain white w/out color. Very striking! Glad you got the dresses done on time too! You need to share photos of the finished product. TFS!

  2. Very pretty! I like how you used the EF and then added the scallop edges as well.

  3. Glad you're back. Be sure and let us know how your daughter did at the meet. Your card is very pretty - as always.

    Thanks for sharing,

  4. I really LOVE this card!! And I really love how you did the inside. TFS
