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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Have Not Abandoned My Blog :-)

I know I have been absent a bit and I will probably miss a few more days of posting throughout the month. I ran into problems with the skate dresses and have to start all over again, boo hoo hoo! These are very important dresses and they have to be done in a time frame- which is getting shorter- so some things have to hit the wayside and the blog is one of them :-(. I have a couple of cards that I will be posting this week that my gals did on Monday evening and maybe, just maybe, I will get some time to do a little bit of stamping while I am waiting for the fabric to be delivered. Yep, I had to order more fabric... (sigh) don't ask :-).

Thanks so much everyone for being so patient while I am sewing skate dresses. These are competition skate dresses so you can imagine how much my daughter is depending on me :-). A few prayers here and there that there won't be anymore snags along the way would be so appreciated!!!! Hope you are all having wonderful and warm weather where you are!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck & prayers for getting your sewing done on time!
