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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Strength & Hope

It saddens me to report that we know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. My husband has a golfing friend whose girlfriend found a lump in her breast recently and by the next day it had increased in size. I don't know all the specifics, but they were told that it is a very rare and very aggressive form of breast cancer. I don't know her personally, but I do know my husband's golfing buddy and he is so heart broken and so frightened. They are both frightened and understandably so. Of course, our hearts and prayers are with them until she is well. In the meantime, since she was going to start chemotherapy this past Monday, I wanted to make something that she could keep with her in her purse that will hopefully be an encouragement to her. I don't talk about my beliefs much on my blog, but today I am. I believe that the Word of God is alive, active, and powerful. Isaiah 55:11 states:  "so is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." It is my heartfelt prayer, that not only will she be a survivor, but that the scriptures in her book will indeed become life to her, comfort to her, and help to bolster her faith. I stayed up late on Saturday night finishing the book up so my husband could get it to her on Sunday. I stayed away because I am still sick, better, but not 100% yet, and I did not want to compromise her since I know that chemotherapy weakens the immune system. Her boyfriend, Jim, told my husband that she was planning to take it with her on Monday for her first chemotherapy treatment. I am posting the book I made for her so that if you know of someone who might be encouraged by one, you  can make one for them too. 

Card made with Strength & Hope stamp set 

Inside of the card

Cover of the Book using Strength & Hope

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

Page 8

Page 9

Page 10

I used Pretty in Pink and Very Vanilla as my base on both the card and the book. The color scheme is a tetrad on the color wheel: Pink, yellow, green, and purple. I used a lot of different things to create this book, so I'm not going to list the supplies because it would be an incredibly long list and because the book is now in Laura's hands so I would have to guess as to what specific color I used where. I stayed within the tetrad though, throughout the book. I printed the scriptures out on Very Vanilla and trimmed to size. I used a lot of flowers and butterflies because I wanted her to have the feeling that she is walking through a flower garden. I have no idea why, but that was what was in my heart for her. If you pray, I know that Jim and Laura would both appreciate your prayers for them during this time and your prayers too for her health to be restored. 

Just a reminder that the stamp set Strength & Hope will be available in the new Summer Mini starting on May 1st and is shown on page 27. Please consider purchasing this set as for every set purchased Stampin' Up! will donate $2.00 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. There will also be a digital version of the stamp set with digital papers available for My Digital Studio. $2.00 of each purchase of the Strength & Hope digital kit for My Digital Studio will also be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.



  1. Such devastating news for one to receive. I know that your gorgeous card and book will lift her spirits. Gorgeous work Barb!

  2. What a heartbreaking story! And what a wonderful book you made for her--I'm sure she appreciates you reaching out to help in such a difficult time.

  3. What a wonderful idea! This is such a great project for those of us who want to do "something". TFS!

  4. I love the book and card that you made with this set...

  5. Found yoru blog via Stampin' Connection. Love the card and the book that you made for Laura. Praying for her!
