My Photos

Friday, January 21, 2011

Valentine Medallion

We got over a foot of snow a couple of days ago here. and, it was snowing earlier. We might get another 1-2" again today. I like snow, but within reason, lol! Our very nice neighbor was kind enough to plow our drive for us when we got the foot of snow. I shoveled a path to the hen house this morning and I'm pretty sore. The hen house is a little ways from the house so I have to shovel a long path. After I post this I'm going to jump into a hot shower and see if that helps ease the muscles :). In the meantime, here's a card made with the Medallion stamp.

I used a card sketch from the December 2010 Card Maps on Page Maps. I hope you are all staying warm as toast and that you don't have to shovel snow. Have a wonderful weekend!!!!


My Digital Studio


  1. This is really pretty. I love it.

    TFS....and yep I'm back blogging again. Sorry for the MIA!

  2. Very nice Barb. I hear you on the snow, but I don't like snow. LOL Glad I don't have to go out if I don't want to.
