My Photos

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Need a few days....

I intended to post a photo of a card that I made last week. Yesterday was not a good day and today it was even worse. Our little kitty Lucky died last night. My daughter found him when he just a few days old abandoned by his mother. We raised him on a bottle. He was such a sweet kitty and so funny. He was such a character. When he was little he would steal stuff out of my friend Donna's purse when she visited us. Of course, he didn't just take things out of Donna's purse- it was any purse he could find. He did finally outgrow that. I took these photos of him just this summer. I'm glad I have such great photos of him. He actually allowed me to do a photo shoot of him. Normally, he wouldn't sit still long enough, but on this particular day, he didn't mind. 

I cannot even express to you the depth of the grief we feel over the loss of our dear, sweet kitty. He was a part of our family in the truest sense of the word. He died peacefullly, but he was only three years old. He left a deep, deep imprint on our lives and in our hearts that will never leave. We will love him forever and miss him always. 

Sweet Lucky Boy, thank you for letting us be your family and thank you for so many happy and wonderful memories. I hope that somehow you know how much we love you and how much we miss you now. 

I may not post for a few days. I hope you understand.



  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Our animals are such a big part of lives. Your family will be in my prayers. God Bless!

  2. Oh soooooooooooo sorry to heat about Lucky, she was such an adorable, impish kitty. I too will miss him.
    I truly know how you feel, I still miss my Quincey. :( Thoughts are you with you and Danielle.

  3. I'm so sorry you've lost another dear pet. Cats are such funny critters. They definitely have a personality and a mind of their own.

  4. Im so sorry to read this, my heart goes out to you. A beautiful coat of fur to go with that precious face. We lost our Pandy (dog) three years ago. We are so lucky to have these animals in our lives, they love us for just being ourselves. My hope for your family is as each day goes by, your sorrow lessens and smiles take over each time you think of Lucky and all your good times. Phyllis

  5. So hard to believe such an early death I think. To loose such a close friend is never easy. For me always seems to get harder. I wish you wonderful memories and peace my friend. He was lucky to have you and your family.
