My Photos

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tissue Box Cover

I finally got some time to take some photos and wouldn't you know it- my photos came out all grainy! I checked my camera settings after I was done uploading them to my computer and realized that I never changed my camera settings from taking photos of the moon at twilight last week. DUH!!!! I have to take them all again, but I am posting the ones that didn't come out too awful :-).

This is a tissue box cover that I made with an elf I had laying around. I actually have several of these guys laying around because I made a bunch of them last year. The elves are made with the ornament punch (head) and the Build a Bear Workshop dies. They are such little cuties!
This is the top where the tissues come out :-D.

Sorry to not be chatty today, but I am in the middle of decorating the house for Christmas. I MADE some time today to get photos because I feel so badly about neglecting my blog. I really have too much on my plate I think :-D. I will get more photos and I should be able to update my blog for a few days worth of projects. I've been making things here and there as time allows. I think I need a time management course, lol! Hope everyone is happy and doing well! Thanks so much for visiting!!


Card Stock: Very Vanilla, Old Olive, Real Red, Garden Green
Classic Stampin' Ink: Bravo Burgundy, Garden Green, Creamy Caramel (retired)
Other: White gel pen, gold crochet thread


  1. That is just adorable and would have many uses or than tissues. TFS

  2. Forgot to ask, will you be posting directions for this little cutie?

  3. This is just awesome!! I love it, you need to submit this to SU! What an awesome WOW! TFS!!

  4. Oh, now THAT is too cute for words!! Please, pretty please, share directions...

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!


  5. Oh, this is TOO cute!! How fun to put this out for Christmas. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
