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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

I will be missing from my blog for a few days. My daughter and I are sick- again :-(. Apparently, we caught this from her coach- who is also sick- again. He was sick a couple of weeks ago and so were we. He thought he was over it and we thought we were over it. My daughter and I started off with scratchy throats last night and this morning- ick- sick! Another reason I will be missing from my blog is because I have soooooo much to do in the next three days. I don't even want to look at my to do list at this point, although mentally, that big list keeps playing over and over in my mind. Hopefully, I get it all done. I will be doing it whether I feel icky or not, so I hope I feel better tomorrow! In the meantime, I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for visiting my blog this year. I have appreciated your visits so very much and all of your comments have made my day each time :-). I have also appreciated your patience when I have been so busy I haven't had time to see the walls of my stamping room, let alone keep my blog updated. So, for all of you, I am posting a Christmas card that I made just for my blog visitors. I wish each and every one of you the most blessed, joyous, and most memorable Christmas of all. 
I will see you after Christmas!!! I plan to LOCK MYSELF in my stamping room the day after Christmas for the whole day, so I should have some stuff to post next week! Merry Christmas my friends!!!

Hugs and Blessings to you!


  1. Aww Barb hate to hear your sick again. Your such a special person, here you are sick and are thinking of others. Hope you feel better real soon and don't over do, if it doesn't get done so what! Have a blessed holiday and love to Mike and Danielle.

  2. Hope you feel better soon! Great MDS card too! Merry Christmas! TFS!

  3. I hope you're feeling better. Today is the day you were supposed to lock yourself in your room, so lets see some inspiration. I really need it. I got a whole box of new stampin up stuff for Christmas and just can't get motivated to use it. Help me out Barb!LOL!

