My Photos

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Christmas Cheer Scrapbook Page

All right, I'm trying to be a good little blogger by actually getting something posted :D. There are new digital downloads available for My Digital Studio and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Christmas Cheer kit!! I've used the Simply Scrappin' Christmas Cheer kit in real life and I LOVE the Designer Series Papers and the colors used in this kit. I was so happy to see it available as a digital download! Now, I never have to worry about running out of the papers that I love so much :). I love the papers so much that I couldn't wait to play with them in My Digital Studio, so I used one of the November 2010 Page Maps sketches to create a digital scrapbook page this morning :). I am so behind on scrapping Christmas photos it isn't even funny! I think I'm just going to start scrapping them in My Digital Studio and then have books printed out for us and a copy for each of our children. We have four girls and two boys so it will be so much easier to just scrap one book and make copies, lol! Ya' gotta love the digital age :D.

I started work yesterday on the projects for my stampers to do at our next stampin' night, so you probably won't see that stuff for a while ;-). My scrap room is a tea total wreck from all the sewing I did in there getting ready for my daughter's Meet, so I have to get it straightened up today so I can really get down to work. I had to take time out to play with the new Christmas Cheer digital kit first though ;-). I know you understand, lol!!! Hopefully, I can get my mess cleaned up pretty quickly today so I have some time to do some creating this afternoon. My daughter and I are having 'girl's night out' with a friend of ours this evening, so it will be late before we get back! Have a great day today!!!


My Digital Studio software- 118108
Christmas Cheer digital kit-123956


  1. What a fun and cute layout. Love the colors.

  2. What a cute idea! You did a great job with MDS!

  3. Great page! The colors in the kit work perfectly with your photos. TFS!

  4. Cute page! I love the colors and the layout!

  5. Hey, it's nice to see you are back! I love the scrapbook page. I just gave the Digital Studio to my daughter this weekend when she was home visiting so I'm anxious to see what she comes up with.

    Your horse is very pretty, I'm sure your daughter is thrilled.

    Thanks for sharing,

  6. This is so cute! I love the layout and the colors. MDS always stumps me, but I love the program. I have tons of ideas for cards, just not scrapbook pages. Good thing I can admire yours!
