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Friday, October 15, 2010

New Family Member

If you've been reading my blog for a while, then you will remember that my daughter's horse died suddenly in January. It was such a heartbreaking event for our family. My daughter was given a sweet horse on Sunday and yesterday we brought him home. His name is Shiloh and although he needs much training, he is eager to please and just a real sweetie pie. He has one blue eye and one brown eye- how is that for unique?! Our daughter is happy as a clam in the ocean with her new best friend. And he is just as smitten with her! Meet Shiloh...

All right, this boy needs lots of training so I am on my way to the barn for more lead training. See you soon!



  1. Nice looking animal. I'm sure Danielle is in heaven. ;)

  2. Congrats on your newest family member! TFS!

  3. Wow! How stinking adorable!! I am grinning from ear to ear and I bet your daughter is too! How absolutely wonderful he is!!!!!
