My Photos

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I have been completely void of any creative inspiration for the last two weeks :-(. I mean: zippo, nill, nada. I did all the things one does when lacking inspiration- visited blogs, looked in magazines, sat and stared at my supplies for two hours one morning hoping something would jog a creative spark. I gave up trying. My daughter was on the hunt for origami supplies yesterday, so we headed to Hobby Lobby. I went browsing the aisles in the scrapbooking section and found something that was really cool. I loved it! Upon inspection, I realized that I could duplicate that at home myself :-). I just now tried a sample piece and it works just as I thought- only better! I have today and tomorrow full of crazy hours at the skate rink, but I will have a tutorial posted by Saturday. I love the look of my sample piece so much, I may burn the midnight oil tonight creating a project :-). The wheels are turning now ;-). See you soon!



  1. oh, oh, oh. Can't wait to see what you are making. I have a huge project I want to do but just a can't seem to find the time to start.
    Will be back to see what you created.

  2. Wow! Your step by step on this is fabulous!!
